Simplicity Can Save Your Life

Dedication to living a simpler, and therefore more conscious, life is not a fad. Having as little amount of stuff as possible isn’t some sort of weird badge of honor. Building your life around the ability to do what you love doesn’t mean you think you’re “too good” for a “real job.” Writing down your values and then trying to live them doesn’t mean you think you’re better than anybody else.

Simplicity is a way of life that goes beyond having something to write about on a blog.

My dedication to living a simpler life has been sorely tested over the past few weeks. To make a long and painful story short, my two year relationship ended. It has been the worst few weeks of my life and yet, I know everything will be alright. The habits, mindset, and skills I’ve developed over the past few years have come out and supported me during my time of need. My simpler life has allowed me to work through this rough patch in my life.

I’ve always given the obvious answers when asked why somebody should try living a simpler life; “You get to spend time doing what you truly love, instead of what you have to do.” “You should live a simpler life so that you are only surrounded by possessions that you truly love or have a use for.” “Living simply is great because it’s stress free.”

Now, I can add another reason to the list; living a simpler life will save your life.

How can simplicity save your life?

1. You will build routines: When my world appeared to be falling apart around me, I reverted back to what I knew – my routines. Routines were the only sure thing going on in my life so they served as a sort of anchor for everything else. Getting up at 5am, reading, writing, and meditating all became a much more important part of my life because they were the only thing I could rely on.

2. You will focus on your passions: I suddenly had a huge surfeit of time and attention on my hands that were normally focused on another person. Instead of wallowing in self-pity or despair, I tried to focus that energy on the things I truly cared about. My writing has seen a marked improvement in quality. My coaching has been more focused and passionate. My creative output as a whole has been exciting.

3. You will focus on your values: When getting over rejection, it can be tough to remember why you are a great person. At first, I was having a hard time thinking about what I even have to offer the world. Then, I did some reflection on my most important values, Family and Growth. My family has been great in their support and help during this time. In terms of Growth, I tried to re-frame the situation as a wonderful opportunity to improve myself as a person. What better time to become a more loving, accepting, and calm person than during the turmoil of an emotional breakup? If I can be all of these things now, when CAN’T I be them?

4. You will find hope: A simpler life is built around values, ideals, goals, and conscious decision making. All of these are what you will turn to when your life goes haywire. These qualities will give you a reason to move on, to learn from the situation, and accept that there is daylight at the end of the tunnel.

It’s times like these that I realize living a simpler life is actually a very, very serious endeavor. It’s more than cleaning out drawers and getting rid of extra clothes. It’s a mindset that makes you more resilient, more accepting of change, and a stronger person as a whole.

My simpler life is saving my life.

What’s yours doing?

Photo by Gwen Harlow.

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