find your values to simplify your life

brothersWhy do I try to simplify my life?  Do I hate technology? (no) Do I want to live in a hut in the mountains of Tibet? (not particularly) Do I have a large family to support? (nope)  I try to simplify my life for the same reason anybody else would, to make time and attention available to the things that really matter to me.  The best part of simplifying life though is that it means something completely different to each person because those “things” that really matter are different for everyone.

There is a word for “things that matter the most in your life, values.  Values are what guide all of our decisions on a daily basis.  Each piece of information that we are given throughout the day is measured against our values as we decide what to do with it.  The goal of simplifying my life is to allow my core values to come to the forefront of my decision making on a more consistent basis. Removing distractions, simplifying, helps pull my values out of the fog and set them very clearly in front of me.

While everybody has a set of values, some people are more aware of them than others. What do you care about in your life?  If money wasn’t a constraint, what would you spend your time on? What makes you excited to wake up in the morning?  Essentially, what kind of person do you want to be?  Ask yourself these questions and come up with a list of your values.  This is why you are trying to simplify your life.  This is what you want to be.

For example, here is a list of five of my most important values.

1. Family: This one was really a no brainer. My family is the most important thing in my life right now and will be forever. Family comes first. Right now that means my parents and my four little brothers. In the future it will hopefully mean a wife and kids. That is obviously speculative for me right now, but I know a change in my family structure will not change the importance of the value itself.

2. Growth: This is a pretty broad term but I picture it mostly as perpetually trying to improve myself. Right now I picture this as intellectual growth, but there is no reason to limit myself to that. Spiritual growth, growth as a community member, and just growth as a compassionate human being are all things I envision under this value.

3. Critical Thinking: I value being able to think for myself.  I am not content with vague assumptions or prepackaged talking points.  If I believe something I want to know that I have investigated it for myself.  Essentially, I want to take responsibility for the way I think.

4. Discipline: I’ve always been very impressed by people who have incredible self discipline. Elite athletes and entrepreneurs are two categories of people that often have the self discipline I so admire. I see discipline as the muscle behind any goal or objective I set for myself. That may be some future fitness goal, a change in eating habits, or just a change in habits in general. With great discipline anything is possible.

5. Integrity: Lastly, integrity is something that I think sets the truly worthwhile people apart from everyone else. Having the strength of character to do what’s right in every situation is commendable. A man without integrity cannot be trusted and a man who cannot be trusted is not really a man at all.

There is no point in simplifying your life if you don’t have a reason for doing so.  Where does your attention need to go? What are your values?

Photo by LilGoldWmn

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